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09/26/24 06:27 PM #185    


Carol Atwood (Toran)


Hey Class of 1971

We want to remind you that you are invited to our Class of 1972 Birthday Party. Our 72turns70 Party!

Click HERE to see who is planning to come.

Friday, October 4, 2024 at the Needham Village Club. 

Live music by Suffrin’ Blye…all NHS graduates.

We will be drawing (4) $50.00 cash drawings.  Everyone is eligible.

We’ll have a great menu of hot appetizers, two different entrees (one vegetarian), sides, salads, rolls, and desserts.

Cash Bar and dancing!

The ticket price is $75.00 per attendee.  The last day to register is September 21, 2024.

Feel free to cruise around our website www.needham72.comYou’ll find music, pictures, Needham High memories, and more!

You can only use the link below to register as there is no option for the Class of 1971 to register on our site.

Here is the page to register for the event

Come on home and party with your friends. 


Your 72turns70 Paahty Plannahs

Mary Beth Claus (Tobin) * Jack Recco * Karen Hall (Hasenfus) * Lynn Reeder (Bilodeau)

Arlene Weener (Levin) *  Brian Cameron

09/27/24 12:15 PM #186    


Suzanne Pike (Seri)

I remember Armand Kazarian!  He was my social studies teacher & maybe a homeroom teacher too.

Too bad I didn't do well in social studies...I did like him though.  Necessity is the mother of invention-he said that a lot, when we were studying China or Japan in class.  Anyone remember this?

So cool that you got to see him, Carol!

11/21/24 08:12 AM #187    


John Dewey

This was one the Friends of Old Boston Garden page.
High School hockey legend Robbie Ftorek in the EMASS finals at the Boston Garden. Here he is scoring for Needham against Melrose

11/21/24 08:28 PM #188    


Carol Atwood (Toran)

Robbie was a great one to watch soccer or Hockey.

11/22/24 06:58 AM #189    


Pauline Harwood (Wright)

I was there! 

11/22/24 12:07 PM #190    


Paul Connors

Me too...Robbie went on to have a successful career in the NHL. Friends of mine involved in NHL teams all know him on a personal or professional level

11/22/24 12:17 PM #191    


Suzanne Pike (Seri)

Sorry to change the subject (I was a Canadiens fan since I lived in Montreal)-

Did anyone go to the NHS class of '72 reunion, & if so, are there any pics on our '71 website?

We were away so I couldn't go.

Any plans for another '71 reunion?  Guess it would be in '26-I'm early, but just remembering how much fun our reunions are!

11/22/24 05:50 PM #192    


John Dewey

I was the manager/stick boy, so I got to be on the bench

11/23/24 04:46 PM #193    


Melinda Bliss

I was there too, with all my hockey-loving friends!!!

11/23/24 06:33 PM #194    


Marsha Scott (MacFarland)

I was there also! Great memories!

11/24/24 05:27 AM #195    


Pauline Harwood (Wright)


I went sue

and Kristina Novak bunce sent me a bunch of, but not on our page 


11/24/24 05:27 AM #196    


Pauline Harwood (Wright)


I went sue

and Kristina Novak bunce sent me a bunch of, but not on our page 


11/24/24 11:47 AM #197    


Paul Harrington

I was on that team.  Would have liked more ice time!!!  LOL.  That was a great team and Robbie was a super player, for sure.  Ah, the good old days.

11/28/24 12:24 PM #198    


Carol Atwood (Toran)



11/28/24 12:35 PM #199    


Carol Atwood (Toran)

Thoughts to pass along  from the class of 1970

A Prayerful Reflection of Thanksgiving for the Needham High School Class of 1970

Our classmate Steve Krueger sends this reflection to all of you on Thanksgiving. You can find a PDF here.  Many thanks to Steve. 


A Prayerful Reflection of Thanksgiving for the Needham High School Class of 1970


God of community, hope, and healing:

As we reflect this Thanksgiving, we offer our deepest gratitude for the opportunity You gave us to begin our life’s journey together in the idyllic working middle class Town of Needham in a community that met five days a week for nine months a year on a hill that is home to Needham High School, one of the top high schools in the state at that time and to this day.

Unbeknownst to us then, our community – including members of our class, teachers, administrators, and all at NHS – nurtured us through the challenges of high school life at a time when those challenges were compounded by societal change and upheaval and a most divisive war. Mindful of the recent Veterans’ Day Holiday, we honor all those who have served in our armed forces, but especially in Vietnam and armed conflicts.

We thank You for the gift of a faithful, supportive, and thriving community that helped instill in us values that helped us make our way in the world and form us into good citizens – including the values of solidarity, inclusion, civic responsibility, patriotism, and generosity and service.

We give thanks for the memories of our high school years, which psychologists tell us are among the most vivid and long lasting of our lives. As a class of over 400, our interests and growing passions were diverse and could fill a Sears or Whole Earth Catalog.

Yet we are grateful that we could still share memorable times of solidarity with one another – sometimes carrying on traditions – including cheering on our Needham Rockets sports teams, for which we are mindful on this day, of the occurrence of the oldest public high school rivalry in the nation – the Needham-Wellesley football game.

We recognize that our community was not only shaped by the people whom we saw in the halls of NHS, but by the culture in which we lived and we reflect with gratitude to have been with one another during what the ancient Chinese may have called “interesting times.”

We give thanks for the historical privilege of being part of one of the most transitional generations of our lifetime, a generation that saw new possibilities, symbolized in our culture by The Summer of Love, the changing melodies and lyrics of our music, perhaps most notably in The Beatles’ Sgt. Pepperalbum, and Woodstock.

In our reflections, we hold a spirit of Thanksgiving that in our youth President John F. Kennedy asked us to reach for impossible dreams which we not only attained — although some took longer than others — but in the process gained an understanding through one Earthrise photo of what it means to be one human family, making our high school concerns seem not quite so important and the solidarity of our human family more so.

We were still being formed as adults when we brutally lost a holy man who was a modern day prophetand a uniting political leader with a prophetic voice within 62 days of each other in 1968.

We humbly give thanks for thehistoric witness our generation received from You, with which we were left to discern the responsibility we would each accept to bring the truth and love and justice, that these prophetic leaders symbolized to us, into our world for all of our sisters and brothers.

And yet, in spite of the tumult of the era, we lift our hearts in thanks for the serendipity, thrills, and peace enjoyed in our community: a Volkswagen “Bug” appearing in the hallowed halls of NHS; back to back state hockey and soccer championships led by a future Olympian; and the reassurance of seeing the “Blue Tree” that united the Needham community and set our hearts aglow during the Holiday Season.

While we are mindful of the toll of the years – which takes us from one another or from ourselves – and the toll of the present time, may we be strengthened by giving thanks this week and always.

Bless those who are no longer with us; may their legacy inspire us to cherish one another more deeply.Bless those among us who struggle, that they may find strength in Your love and in the bonds we share.

Let us reflect with gratitude on all we have experienced, for all the challenges we have overcome, for the enduring ties that unite us and the blessings we have today.

May we be attentive to howthanksgiving anchors hope in the present. And may that awareness lead us to a humble understanding that giving thanks – for even the smallest blessings – provides a foundation for us to place our trust in future blessings for ourselves, our families, our community and society.

And may we always remain aware that Thanksgiving and hope are found in the bonds of community,which together provide us with a collective strength beyond our own capacity.

With hearts full of thanks for each other – and especially for those who have kept us together over the years – and for all the blessings in our lives, may we bring our shared values that unite us, and the best of who we are and who we are yet to become, to our families, one another, and to the communities in which we live for the benefit of our children, our grandchildren, and future generations.


11/28/24 12:40 PM #200    


Carol Atwood (Toran)

Its a long one but worth a read.

Happy Holidays

Love and Peace

To all the ones we have loved and also the ones we havelost. 

11/29/24 10:26 AM #201    

Patricia Sullivan (Longley)


Thanks Carol for posting the message from Steve K. Class (1970) Such a beautiful message and a reminder to reflect on all our blessings. 
Patty Sullivan Longley & Mark Longley (1970)

11/30/24 10:41 AM #202    

Joanne Bianchi

Thanks Carol for posting  ! So profound and heartfelt. 

11/30/24 11:01 AM #203    


Betsey Hill (Fitzgerald)

Beautiful words to give us wonderful thoughts of our special community that was Needham and NHS. Blessings to all!



12/18/24 08:55 AM #204    


John Dewey

I saw this on Facebook.   I am amazed that they got eveyone together.  How many can you name?

May be an image of 3 people and text

12/19/24 11:06 AM #205    

John Martin


12/20/24 04:47 PM #206    


Suzanne Pike (Seri)

Bozo, Rex Trailer, Captain Kangaroo, Bob something from Community Auditions...I have to go back and look again.  Can't see pic from here.  We were on the Bozo show when I was about 6 yo, w my brother & Danielle Kalajian, also some of my bro Carl's friends.

12/20/24 04:48 PM #207    


Suzanne Pike (Seri)

Miss Jean from Romper Room?  Don't know the spaceman or the other clown or the other guy.  hmmmm.

12/20/24 04:58 PM #208    

Pauline O'Connell

Major Mudd and Willie Whistle

12/23/24 07:24 PM #209    


Suzanne Pike (Seri)

I remember Major Mudd but never watched him, never heard of Willie Whistle.  Funny, since we're the same age!  Thanks for clearing that up, Pauline!

May all of my dear classmates and their families have a serene, joyous & meaningful holiday season!  How is it that it's almost 2025?????  A happy and a healthy New Year to all as well!smiley

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